Michelle Haner
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An experienced coach/workshop leader, director & program leader.

Michelle works at the cross-roads of international education, collaborative arts and community engagement 

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Michelle has led wide-ranging projects and programs, in the US and overseas. She teaches and leads workshops in collaboration, public speaking and story-telling.  She also translates French plays, and occasionally performs. 

Michelle leads arts programs at the International School of San Francisco (Head of the Arts Department & Artistic Director of the Theater Program). She also served as the school's founding Urban Engagement Coordinator (2018-23). 

In France, she has worked with l'ESCA, the Programme Baudelaire and the Studio Sophie Akrich.


In October 2024, she will be leading a workshop on voice, presence & storytelling for educational leaders at the Awakened Education Conference at the Teacher's College at Colombia University

In spring 2024, her 3-part webinar series for educators was hosted by the Center of Spiritual and Ethical Education (CSEE). It offered tools on how story-telling and the arts can empower individuals, build teams and strengthen community 


In spring 2024, Michelle directed Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and served as lead producer of a collaboration with Les Inachevés,  Hospitality: Territory of Humanity.  In spring 2025, she will direct Evita at the International School of San Francisco.

She also continues to co-direct the Programme Baudelaire (at the University of Paris) with Cécile Ladjali, which in 2024-25 is focused on exploring William Shakespeare, Virginia Wolfe and the theme of androgyny.